Main Feature

Built-in interactive terminal

Interactive terminal to present information about me into the CLI with a new feel in today's websites.

Interactive Terminal Rinaru

This feature is only available on a desktop or laptop, sorry. return to using the device to use this feature.

The short story checkpoints

short story about me in some checkpoints like when I started, what I learned, what I mastered and so on until today.


Skill Learned

JavaScript Basic

the first language I learned when I was in junior high school

HTML, CSS, & PHP Basic

Learn basic website programming when I enter my internship in high school.

Bootstrap CSS Framework

Learn to use bootstrap framework to improve website user interface.

PHP Advanced & Framework

Deepen PHP in several frameworks such as Laravel, and use WordPress cms.

Node JS

Learn the famous nodejs runtime for building websites and APIs.

React JS

Learn frontend library for javascript that is React.

Tailwind CSS

Learn CSS utility to make it easier to build a website in terms of frontend.

Next JS

Learn to build a full stack website using React as the library.


Learn how ci and cd work in github for development and production processes


Using Docker for simpler web app dev and prod, with Dockerfiles and Compose.